Strategy Doc Template
Core Doc: No more than 3 pages
Content: Why are we working on this project? Why is it important?
Format: 1-2 paragraphs.
Content: What decisions must be made now?
Format: Bulleted list of yes/no statements.
Content: What did we learn?
Format: 1-2 pages. Key insights followed by supporting evidence. Use Minto Pyramid.
Content: What should we do as a result of our findings?
Format: 0.5-1 page. Table with actions, owners, resourcing, timing.
Appendix: Everything that is not essential to the above
Detailed findings
Content: Full support for summary and recommendations.
Format: Key insights followed by supporting evidence. Use Minto Pyramid. Go nuts on the length.
Supporting docs
Content: Related docs, past work.
Format: Links that 1-line summaries.